Nguyen Dinh Thanh (Vietnam)
Lecturer of University of Science Ho Chi Minh City
Research Interest:
Road Blockade Caused By Damaged Buildings’ Debris after Earthquake Using GIS
Damages caused by earthquake in urban area were huge: uncountable buildings were collapsed, lots of roads were damaged, and so many people died and got injured. Moreover, road blockade caused by damaged buildings’ debris made the damage more severe to people who want to go to evacuation shelter during the disaster relief period. In order to mitigate damage due to earthquake, this research, therefore, proposed a method for predicting locations of road blockade caused by damaged buildings’ debris using Geographic Information System (GIS). Furthermore, the research results may provide local government a useful reference for visualizing damaged on road caused by damaged buildings, planning short-term strategy for reinforce less vulnerable buildings causing road blockade as well as long-term strategy to widen roads. In this study, a road was considered as blocked if a debris length of a single damaged building along that road (hereafter first group of the buildings) or a total debris length of both damaged buildings opposite to each other (hereafter second group of building) was two times or over than the distance between the roadside building wall and the road’s center. In addition, for the first group of the buildings, locations of road blockade were identified by comparing the distance between roadside building wall and road’s center, and that damaged building’ debris length while the buffer function in ArcGIS software was used for detecting the road blockade in the second group of the buildings. Finally, by adding locations of road blockade into road network, an evacuation simulation in which people will base on the road network to go to main accommodation shelters in their school districts was conducted by using network analysis in order to find out buildings without access to the shelters.
Road blockade, damaged building, building debris, earthquake, GIS.